St. Mary’s Parish
Earl King will be offering a study of the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. This course, based on a video series by scripture scholar Sr. Diane Bergant, will run from 7:00 to 8:30 on six Monday evenings this fall, beginning on September 26, 2016. Contact Earl at 508-361-8655 for more information and to register.
Fran Crespi will be leading a seven week study of Bishop Robert Barron’s new film series Catholicism: The Pivotal Players beginning on Tuesday morning, September 27, 2016 from 10:00 to noon. This film series “illumines a handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of civilization”. Call Fran at 508-429-6076 for more information.
Archdiocese of Boston
The Boston Archdiocesan Master of Arts in Ministry (MAM) program is “specifically designed for laity who volunteer or work professionally in a ministerial capacity in the Archdiocese” (MAM website). Courses may be taken for degree credit or for personal formation.
The Archdiocese Theological Institute for the New Evangelization is offering two Certificate Programs as well. The first, a Catechetical Certificate entitled “Theology for Evangelization” has been developed to “form catechists who can shine Christ’s light in home, parish, and world: to advance the Kingdom of God’s love one heart at a time”. The second program, a Catholic Theology Certificate called “Apologetics for the New Millennium” is “designed for those who wish to learn how to better explain the Catholic faith”.
The Office for Lifelong Faith Formation and Parish Support is the “umbrella” office in the Archdiocesan Secretariat for the New Evangelization for several different offices, including Faith Formation of Youth and Young Adults. This office sponsors “Jesus in the North End” which meets several Friday evenings throughout the year.
The Office of Worship and Spiritual Life works to provide a number of services that can assist in the ongoing work of conversion, liturgical worship and evangelization on both a parish and individual level. Click here for information about spiritual programming for individuals. You can also learn about the Cursillo, a short course in Christianity, on this site as well.
Boston College
The Boston College School of Theology and Ministry’s Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry offers continuing education courses both online and at the Boston College Campus.
The Boston College Church in the 21st Century Center, a “catalyst and resource for renewal of the Catholic Church in the United States” (C21 Website), offers many opportunities for adult faith formation, including publications, online courses and workshops at the university.
University of Notre Dame
The University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Church Life offers the STEP program, the Satellite Theological Education Program, an online theology program designed to provide quality Catholic adult faith formation. The STEP program offers many courses on different Catholic topics such as Catholic Social Teaching, the Creed and Prayer. Courses have various requirements and most cost about $100. Click here for information about this program.
University OF Dayton
The University of Dayton, a Catholic Marianist College, sponsors The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF). Its website states that the VLCFF “is a growing initiative to offer adult religious education and faith formation anytime and anywhere via the internet. The goal is to support the church’s professional ministry of religious education and faith formation in cyberspace”.
Courses and seminars are offered on many topics, ranging from Catholic Doctrine to Liturgy/Prayer to Bible Basics to the Spirituality of Parenting. Because our archdiocese is a VLCFF Partnering Diocese, courses cost $40 and seminars cost $30. Click here for more information.