GRADES 9 AND 10: NO Registrations will be accepted AFTER September 29, 2023 – except for families new to the St. Mary’s Parish community arriving after the deadline.
St. Mary’s offers a 2-year program in preparation for our teens receiving the gift of God’s Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our teens receive the Sacrament at a Saturday Mass in the fall of their junior year of high school.
The preparation for Confirmation is firstly done by helping our teens learn what they believe and why as they explore, question, and grow in their Catholic faith. Secondly, our program aims to lead the teens into a personal encounter with Jesus Christ as they prepare for a lifetime of prayer, worship, service, and discipleship.
Taking place during teen’s 9th and 10th grade years, our Confirmation program is composed of faith formation sessions, worship at Sunday Mass, retreats, and Christian service.
Each grade’s faith formation sessions take place on Sundays once a month throughout the academic year. There is one session offered each month from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM which includes the Sunday Mass. Teens who miss their Sunday session will be required to do video make up work and can only do so for 2 of the roughly 8 sessions throughout the academic year. Teens will also be required to submit a Mass Reflection sheet, if unable to attend Sunday Mass with their peers on a class day. This should be turned in at the beginning of class. If class is missed, this Mass reflection sheet is required as part of the make-up work as well. The sessions take place from 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM in the Church, Father Haley Hall and/or the Lower Church Hall. Each session includes Mass, light lunch, prayer, games, team building, large group presentations, small group discussions, and other activities.
In addition to faith formation sessions, students are to attend 2 Confirmation retreats. Both the 9th Grade and 10th Grade Confirmation retreats are offered each academic year. All retreats take place at St. Mary’s and typically occur during a single day, and are led by outside retreat leaders. Many teens find these to be the highlight of the program.
Christian Service is another important aspect of the life of a mature Christian. Confirmation teens are to participate in 3 service projects in each of their Confirmation Prep years. At least one of these projects needs to be faith based or through St. Mary’s. Teens can certainly count projects they are already involved in (such as projects through school, clubs, teams, or EPIC, St. Mary’s high school youth group). Each project should be at least 3 hours, and have a Confirmation Service Reflection Sheet filled out and submitted after the project is completed. We emphasize that service and the other elements of our Confirmation prep program are not done to “check the box” but are done to lead us into relationship with our loving God.
At the end of their 10th Grade Confirmation year, teens are to complete a “Catholic Fundamentals Review” This review quiz ensures that teens have a basic, working understanding of the faith they are about say “yes” to when confirmed. The questions will be given to the teens ahead of time and re-takes will be allowed if needed.
Also, at the end of the program, each teen will have an informal interview with one of their Confirmation teachers. It is at this interview where teens express whether or not they feel ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Each teen has to make the decision for themselves whether they want to be confirmed. We emphasize that teens should not be confirmed because their family and Confirmation teachers want them to, but because each teen believes and wants to commit to living out the Catholic Faith.
Teens who attend Catholic high school do not have to participate in Grade 9 of Confirmation prep, but do have to participate in Grade 10 of Confirmation prep.
We understand that today’s teens are very busy. It is imperative however that religious commitments, like Mass and faith formation sessions be given schedule priority to sports, work, studying, and other extracurriculars. Students must attend their sessions on time and stay for their entire class. With so many things vying for our attention and time, a mature Christian is one who puts God first in their life and in their schedule.
For further information or to ask questions about our program, please contact St. Mary’s Rectory at 508-429-4427 or [email protected].
Click here for a copy: St. Mary’s Confirmation Reflection Sheet