St. Mary’s offers Religious Education and sacramental preparation for children and young people from Preschool through Tenth Grade. We provide training and support for the adults and older teens who serve as volunteer teachers. Our professional staff consists of a Director of Religious Education, a Confirmation Coordinator, a Second Grade Coordinator, and a Religious Education Secretary. Essential ministry is also provided by our volunteer Grade Level Coordinators.
The goal of our program is to provide opportunities for spiritual formation along with religious education. Teachers and their students grow both in living their faith and in knowledge of it. In addition to studying the curriculum for each grade level, members of our classes pray with and for each other, reflect together on the gospel for the upcoming Sunday, and work on seasonal projects.
The most important thing to remember about any parish Religious Education Program is that it is meant to complement the faith education being offered to Catholic children by their parents. The parents are the first teachers of a child’s faith. At their child’s Baptism ceremony, parents commit to raise their children “in the practice of the faith.” This means bringing the children faithfully to Mass each and every weekend, teaching them how to pray at home, and setting a good example of Christian living.
In other words, parish Religious Education is the “icing on the cake.” A child’s participation in Sunday Mass and the faith shared with them at home constitute the “cake” – the experience that gives form and substance and meaning to what the children learn in parish Religious Education.