The St. Mary’s Parish Newsletter is a monthly publication mailed to the homes of all registered parishioners. It contains information about events and opportunities in the parish, articles about recent happenings, and reflections on our Catholic Christian faith. The Newsletter is an important tool for evangelization, and a means of outreach to all members of the St. Mary’s Parish Family.
Once a month the Newsletter Committee assembles in the Parish Center Hall to fold and label the monthly Newsletter for mailing. This usually takes place on a Friday starting at 4 PM and ending around 5:30 – 6:00 PM. There are over 2,200 Newsletters, but many hands make light work, and those gathered very much enjoy the time visiting with each other. In fact, after our work is done we celebrate by having a home-made dinner together in the hall!
For more information (including the meeting schedule), or to volunteer to help with the Newsletter, please call Milda Hueca at 508-808-5173.