In your family:
- Have you shown love and respect for your parents, sisters and brothers?
- Did you listen to your parents and do as they asked?
- Did you try to settle arguments with your brother or sister?
- Did you try to be polite?
- Have you accepted your share of family chores?
- Have you respected the rights of other family members?
- Did you try to control any selfishness?
- Have you demanded things you didn’t need from your parents, like expensive clothes, games, tapes, etc?
- Did you respect your own body?
In your church family:
- Did you attend Mass and religious classes willingly?
- Did you listen and learn about God?
- Were you quiet and respectful during Mass?
- Did you remember your prayers?
- Did you try to help others?
In your neighborhood:
- Did you respect the belongings of other people?
- Did you remember to be truthful?
- Have you been friendly and helpful to your neighbors?
- Did you forgive those who hurt you?
- Did you make good choices concerning the environment?
At school:
- Have you been helpful and cooperative with your teachers and classmates?
- Have you done homework and class assignments properly and promptly?
- Have you obeyed school and class rules?
- Have you respected the rights of others?
With friends:
- Have you been helpful and loyal?
- Have you given good example?
- Have you avoided bad language and bad habits?
- Have you put others down?
- Have your helped friends feel good about themselves and their actions?
For ourselves personally:
- Have you tried to eat properly and get sufficient exercise?
- Have you shared allowance money with others?
- Have you spent money foolishly or selfishly?
- Have you wasted time watching TV when you should have been doing other things?
In our relationship with God:
- Have you talked with God often: when you get up, before school, throughout the day, before and after meals, at bedtime?
- Have you remembered that God is always with us through Jesus and the Holy Spirit?
- Have you offered prayers of praise and thanksgiving for the good things in our life?